
    Deep Dish Cylindrical Parabolic Template

    This parabolic reflector antenna, made with cardboard and foil, can increase your wireless reception by 6dB. The performance of this reflector is comparable many commercially produced antennas.

    How to make:

    Download Template or another reflector template design : parabolreflector_en.pdf
    Open in a graphic app and resize as desired. Ensure that you keep the square on the diagram square.
    Print image on business card stock or acetate (document protector).
    Cut it out and open the six slots with scissors or an X-Acto knife.
    Glue tin foil to either side of the reflector surface (its best to bend the surface first as foil doesn't stretch well!)
    Assemble by placing the six tabs in the six slots.
    Note: If printed at the download size you will see about 9 dBi of gain. If you double the size of the image before you print it you will see about 12 dBi of gain. If you place two reflectors on an AP with two antennas you will see an additional increase in performance

    Six inch reflector pattern at 2.4 GHz:

    4 Responses

    1. nice, though its a waste of space if you do not include the link so one does not need to try to find the template.

      Sorry if your offended, or if a link violates your website rules, though a person who just searched for this, has to search again, to find the pdf file in your text. You could have made this more productive, to host the file or linked to a sight that does, instead of wasting a persons time reading your text, and then the end user has to search for that the text describes, It would have been better to host, or link or not post this if supporting file or document is required. Someone could have read from another sight that has the full project, not having the reader fish a 2nd time for what they wanted.

    2. Link for the template is here. Can't abide people who won't google anything.

    3. Too good information that you shared. It would be so useful post for those are searching for Wireless Internet.