
    How to Make a Wi-Fi Signal Amplifier

    Level of difficulty: Intermediate

    If you use a wireless Internet connection, then you know how important a good signal is in getting a good surfing experience. This same principle applies if you have a bad signal, which almost definitely spells to a lagging Internet connection for your PC. However, you can remedy this by having your own Wi-Fi Signal Amplifier to boost your wireless Internet connection. Although it may sound a bit too tech-savvy for your taste, building and setting up your own Wi-Fi Signal Amplifier is surprisingly easy and requires a few simple materials that you can find at your local hardware and electronics store.

    Materials Needed:
    - USB wireless modem
    - antenna holder
    - aluminum foil
    - USB extension holder
    - duct tape
    Step 1
    The first step to building your own Wi-Fi Signal amplifier is to make its reflector. A critical component of the amplifier, the reflector is necessary in order to acquire and maintain a good wireless network signal. Reflectors can be made of almost anything, although it is recommended that you use sturdy materials like a plastic folder cover or cardboard. Cut the reflector material into the desired shape, as shown in this link: Once it has been cut into shape, score a hole in the middle of the reflector.
    Step 2
    Cover the entire reflector in aluminum foil. Any kind of kitchen aluminum foil will do, though you should be extra careful in wrapping it around the reflector so as to prevent it from getting torn. Secure the foil into the reflector using heavy duty glue.
    Step 3
    Attach the foil-covered reflector onto the antenna holder. Antenna holders can be purchased in most electronics stores, although you can also fashion one from a curtain holder. Secure the reflector to the antenna holder using screws.
    Step 4
    Connect the wireless USB modem on one end and the other to your computer or laptop. Afterwards, mount the USB modem into the reflector through the hole in the middle.
    Step 5
    Boot up your computer and open the wireless connections window. Make sure that the wireless USB modem and the extension cable are connected firmly.
    Step 6
    Mount the completed amplifier in different areas of your house or office to test the proper position and direction for your antenna. This is considerably the most difficult part of the process, as you do not know where the wireless signal is coming from. Keep testing on several areas to find out where the wireless signal is the strongest, and once you have found it, securely place the amplifier using screws and duct tape.

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