
    Auto-Connect to Open Wifi Networks?

    Most computers provide a wifi setting that will configure your computer to automatically connect to any open wifi network without notifying you. While this setting isn't the default, many individuals select the setting because it makes connecting faster when you are traveling, or connecting at a friend's house. Even more common, is to have selected 'connect automatically' to networks that you regularly connect to. Again, this makes sense, as most people do not want to have to manually type in the name of their wireless network and the password each time they want to sign in at home. Unfortunately, both wifi setups can cause major security problems.

    The Problem: If you connect to every available wifi network automatically, you will inevitably end up connecting to dummy wifi networks designed specifically to catch unsuspecting users and hack their computers.

    Similarly, if you automatically connect to your regular wifi networks (meaning you don't manually type in your network name and password every time) then you may be setting yourself up for a security breach. That is because 80 percent of wifi users have not changed the name of their wireless connection. Therefore, it is very easy for a hacker to create a dummy network entitled "Linksys" or "Default", then sit back and watch 80 percent of computers automatically connect to the network since it has a 'trusted' name.

    The Solution: Never select the 'connect to available wifi networks automatically' setup option under your Network Connections window. If you don't want to have to manually type in the name and password to your wifi connection each time you sign in (the safest option), at least make sure that you have named your wifi connection something unique, and that you eliminate all generic titled networks from your 'preferred networks' list. That way, you won't get automatically connected to dummy wifi networks setup by hackers and given the names, "Default" or "Linksys".

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